
Stephen Moffat, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan - Doctor Who so far

Chris Stanley 22/04/2010

We are 3 episodes into the brand new vortex travelling BBC series Doctor Who and where have we been, well in terms of time the present, future and past but haven't moved from Earth. Now some may see that a time travelling show should be space hopping between Skaro and Adipose 3 rather to remain on merry old Earth for the first 3 episodes. However I've always found Doctor Who's eternal connection with Earth important as it creates empathy and more importantly that is where it's audience is from. It also feels like they have played it safe before introducing new worlds, in the first 3 episodes of Eccleston's period they were all based on Earth regardless of time period. And yes our new companion is an Earth girl and for some Amelia Pond being human may come as a disappointment as the new series is yet to provide a permanent alien companion however Karen Gillan is energetic, feisty and her character is beautifully acted (as well as being just a tad attractive, not that anyone has noticed mind you)

Change is difficult and not always welcome in fact sometimes dragging you into a new dawn is downright trying especially when you are comfortable however there are those who disagree, Stephen Moffat and Matt Smith being two of them. Those Eccleston and Tennant fans still hiding under tables refusing to acknowledge either's regeneration will be dismayed that Smith didn't exterminate himself with his sonic screw driver. Why was anyone worried we weren't going to like Doctor Smith? Well mainly because the shows history is riddled with mistakes and unfortunate incidents which affected it; strikes, budget cuts and Colin Baker's outfit to name a few. But alas not this series, check out the episodes so far below...

Eleventh Hour

Moffat doesn't just help us through this difficult transition but kicks us through the door with a smile and not so much a tickle, first opening scene brings back to the TARDIS hurtling towards earth with a still regenerating Doctor hanging within an inch of his life and landing to give us an introduction to Smith's first companion as a child, Amy Pond. A humorous collection of scenes and dialogue between the little girl and Time Lord including deciding that he is being poisoned by bacon, the purpose being to introduce Matt and the common regeneration process never running smoothly (Castrovalva, Twin Dilemma, Time and the Rani and Christmas Invasion have all shown this process) however Moffat hasn't milked it and gets straight to the terror based on childhood superstition in this case, a talking crack in the wall. The story may as well be irrelevant as our focus is drawn onto Smith and Gillan, whether these two will have the important chemistry needed to pull the relationship off. The dialogue between the two is snappy and well acted and Amy Pond is likely to stand out as one of the shows best companions I just hope they keep romantic element away from this series as it became stale and irritating with Rose and Martha. Smith is a geeky, energetic and completely makes the Doctor individual to himself my only qualm with him is that Tennant played the Doctor to the point of believing himself to be the Time Lord whilst Smith plays a Time Lord to be fair Smith didn't grow up with Doctor Who and didn't get the chance to be enthralled by it.

Trailer here (Available until Saturday 3rd July on BBC iPlayer)

The Beast Below

Our second romp with Doctor and Campion takes us into the future to Starship UK our proud nation floating in space driven away from our beloved home by the onset of solar flares. First thing worthy of note is the increasing power of the production team's imagination and design as the ship and the towns enclosed in buildings looks reminiscent of Dark City and Blade Runner. The opening scene sets an eerie atmosphere by introducing the Smilers, ventriloquist style robot looking creatures with severe expressions and child punishment. Now without giving too much away The Doctor and Amy arrive with the Doctors about the ship already roused by the lack of engine vibration on deck and a small child crying without anyone attempting to help her. There are great moments in this episode including the Doctor giving us a glimpse into his potential anger and frustration at the Human Race. Expect some shocks and sad moments.

Trailer here (Available until Saturday 3rd July on BBC iPlayer)

Victory of the Daleks

When people think about Doctor Who probably the third thing they think about is Daleks (behind the theme music and TARDIS) and writers must see this iconic race as a burden and a blessing. Can anything else be done with them and do we want to see them? Well yes at it happens they are more prominent in today's Doctor Who due than ever before mainly due them being the exterminators of the Time Lords and this give us great scenes of anger and horror from the Doctor (Dalek, Doomsday and Journey's end). But with a new staff of writers and producers the decision whether to bring them back or not must have been a difficult one, can the show still be successful without the wheelie bins? Initially Moffat wanted to leave them but then changed his mind but gave Mark Gatiss the brief to include during WWII and feature Winston Churchill. The result is brilliant and incredibly brave as redesigning the Daleks could destroyed the show instead the brightly coloured foes are more menacing and foreboding then ever have been and potentially ever will be.

Trailer here (Available until Saturday 3rd July on BBC iPlayer)