
Milkkan, 28 Costumes - Chris Chinchilla tips for 2006

Chris Chinchilla 04/03/2006

28 Costumes.

Wow! 28 Costumes are awesome! Catchy songs, with choruses that leave you singing until you're tucked up in bed. So tight, I don't think there was a single note out of place, and full of humour, a song breakdown that involves snoring noises is a new one on me. Bursting to the seams with character and good songs, 28 Costumes are a kick in the face to the pussy footing of lots of bands in the current music scene, definitely one to watch if the scene has any sense.


I love Milkkan. They're wonderfully rough, ramshackle at times, but write such catchy, upbeat and lyrically impressive songs that you can forgive them, in the same way that the Libertines used to, but with less pretension. Milkkan have a similar root to their music to, not in style but in attitude. That sort of lovable Londoner, knees up, rough diamond with a heart of gold kind of manner. Their songs vary from hatred of A&R men (a common theme in songs at the moment...) to childish love songs and laments to growing up. The bizarre blend of Chas & Dave, Hip-Hop and the Television Personalities may not suit everyone, but Milkkan will certainly bring a smile to your face.
