
Listen With Sarah - My Little Hula Girl (WWW remix)

Matt Harrold 07/02/2007

Rating: 3/5

Occasionally, very occasionally something comes along that totally throws you in it's sheer “What the f**ks going on here?” factor. One of those records that you can't decide on first listen whether they're completely shit or just so genius that you fail to grasp the point of their existence.

Enter Listen With Sarah with their unique take of taking samples and then stitching them together to form the most amusing farm yard inspired beats. Admittedly their Hawaiian inspired ukulele My Little Hula Girl (WWW remix) swings it's grass skirt into having the most annoying sampling of anyone saying “www” since the internet was conceived. Animal Boum! has the single most genius use of sheep and cats purring to give you the barnyard take of Primal Screams 'Loaded'. Rarely has anything had this reviewer simultaneously grinning whilst deep down knowing they should be slating it. Yes it's a novelty record, but unlike Lekiddo's attempt there's a tongue in cheek charm about it…and damnit, the cat meows are so darned cute.