
Neimo - Poison The Chalice

Alex Skinner 30/09/2008

Rating: 2.5/5

The Parisians release their E.P with an eighties dash of guitars and fair share of British influences that run amok. Neimo are a band that have chosen to sing in English instead of French. They have struggled to get much airplay at home because of this. A shame.

The track 'Poison The Chalice' starts explosively with its guitar infused pop, then moves along steadily. CRASH, it then drops off in the middle. You expect more from the track to make it stand out for the fashionable gentlemen but it doesn't quite happen. Not even their angst reverberations from the Brit-pop style, morphing into synth rock can turn the tide.

The interesting collection of gritty a rock attitude in a grouping outside the usual art-rocker acts is rare. The fashionable rogues have released this, their first EP for the UK scene whilst gallivanting on a European tour.

Promise is shown with 'The Story of Your Favourite Song' that hits the mark with a bang, sounding like the workings of a modern 'Smiths' song. BANG!

The rockers have a plenty load of energy to shoot all over unsuspecting audiences. It is a shame some songs fall short of the mark, 'Something in Common' to finish epitomizes this. They are worthy of checking out for new songs and such. They sure look interesting although middle of the road stuff for now but, DAMN! Those boys have style.

Release date: 01/09/08