
Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson - Buriedfed

Rhian Daly 16/04/2009

Rating: 4/5

Have Transgressive ever signed a bad act? Off the top of my head I'm inclined to say no, especially after hearing the latest addition to their roster. Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson is a singer/songwriter who demands your attention. He doesn't do it through outlandish statements or whoring himself out to every media outlet that will have him, but through the power of his songs and his words.

Buriedfed is a poetic lament detailing the writer's view of his own funeral that will make you sigh, cry and laugh all at once. Starting off slow and gentle, it soon builds into a thumping knees-up that never once detracts from the energy behind Robinson's words.

Recalling the angst of early Bright Eyes but with enough spark, wit and originality to not be lumbered with too many cloying references, Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson is definitely one to look out for in the coming months.