
Navaro - High Wind

Emily Tartanella 20/04/2006

Rating: 2/5

Fittingly, the press release for Beth Navaro's debut single compares “High Wind” to “a Disney love theme.” And that gets it pretty accurately, because this single couldn't be any blander; if you thought James Blunt was a bit too heavy you'll adore Navaro. “High Wind” has less energy than a Dido ballad and simply floats away with only the vaguest hints of a memorable tune. Devoid of religious sentiments yet somehow perfect for those types who close their eyes and wave their hands at concerts, “High Wind” is simply turgid. “Count on Me” is slightly better with some country/folk action, but overall this is the perfect distillation of the current “lite-rock” singers seen in British mainstream. Suddenly “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” seems edgy.