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Die Welle (The Wave)
Owain Paciuszko 20/09/2008
Rating: 5/5
Upon leaving the cinema and stepping back into reality I let out a huge breath, as if a great weight had been lifted from my chest. But all the way home and, even now, writing this review (and probably through sleep and into tomorrow) my heart has been beating strangely and I've felt a little overwhelmed. It reminds me, rather aptly, of how I felt after almost drowning (on two occasions) and it is now how I felt after having watched Die Welle (The Wave).
The film is the based-on-fact/based-on-a-book story of a teacher teaching autocracy to a college class who don't believe that a dictatorship could happen again in their society. He finds this concept inspiring and begins setting up what gradually evolves into something beyond his expectation.
Certain scenes and characters seem familiar, but this is, at heart, a morality play and thematically it tackles recognisable and intriguing issues, and thusly this is where those seemingly-seen-before scenes emerge from in our subconcious. It is the simple power with which they are told and perormed by the brilliant ensemble cast.
It has been a long time since I saw a film that seemed to affect me and spark that desire to debate the subject matter (outside of documentaries). Yet oddly I want to say as little as possible in this review and just recommend, recommend, recommend that you see it! (It's not perfect but it is provocative.)