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Pull Tiger Tail, Ali Love, Hadouken!
Ross Drummond 18/03/2007
Flashing lights, neon, silver jackets, backcombed hair, large slogans on t-shirts and bad dancing: either an Epileptic's worst nightmare or this is New Rave. Not one to capitalise on a hot trend, Murdoch's boys down at MySpace decided to throw a tour together of the most exciting (i.e ones with the most friends) bands on the their site. And a sold out crowd at the ULU are all sporting MySpace glow sticks, MySpace sunglasses and MySpace glasses. Cue 'Capitalism Stole My Virginity'.
Hadouken! (friend count 31998) are first on the bill and seem to be what everyone is here for and they aren't that bad though sounding a bit sloppy at times. Random triggers of Super Mario level ups, and charismatic front man James has complete control over the crowd; his lyrics seem that little more ironic when he's singing to a crowd of “Indie Cindy's” It's only a matter of time before Hadouken! will be branding the front cover of the NME.
In between bands at the ULU is a strange affair - with a large area behind the hall it has the feeling of a school disco, everyone crowding around the outside waiting for the music to continue.
Ali Love (friend count 3233) doesn't quite set the crowd alight like Hadouken!. Maybe it's because he looks like he's just going through the motions, or maybe it's because his band sound quite like an '80s nostalgia act, with Love doing his best Prince impression. Whatever it is it seems quite contrived, and I can't see the friend count climbing.
Headliners Pull Tiger Tail (friend count 10282) bring the crowd back to crazy and the flashing lights abound as they bring their synth-laden jagged guitar pop to the masses. Sounding not unlike Hot Hot Heat this three-piece have got some nice sing-a-long choruses as can be seen in upcoming single Let's Lightning and free download Mr 100 Percent. Not groundbreaking, but it's not bad at all.