The GIITTV reviews database 2003-2011
All the historic reviews from the God Is in The TV webzine.
Rod Kitson 25/09/2008
As attention grabbing gimmicks go, splashing Semen across the front of your merch stall T-Shirts comes pretty high up the list. An unfortunate band name, yes, but for this gang of jizzy self-congratulatory toss-bags, it's more apt than Sennen - the moniker that sadly reveals itself on second inspection of the dimly lit t-stand.
Opening with a grand musical intro of no less than six minutes, the reason behind the directionless noodling becomes apparent when singer Laurence Holmes opens his gob - he cannot sing. In their darker moments Sennen are reminiscent of all bad music from the past four decades - even wheeling out the crippled carcass of a Roger Taylor drum solo to add some much needed dynamic to their woefully long songs. This band will no doubt be huge, judging by the major label dim-wits nodding their heads at the back - and the scores of fans here tonight show there's really no accounting for taste.
Often billed as 'nu-gaze', tonight Sennen seem to think they're Radiohead fronted by Chris Martin - they're not.