The GIITTV reviews database 2003-2011
All the historic reviews from the God Is in The TV webzine.
New Young Pony Club
Cat Gordon 06/03/2006
If you're into indie electro boppin' pop then you'll love this new act. Hailing from east-London the 5 piece pull off a great show. The vampish lyrics, the sexy sneer of the female front women and the way the drummer hits those drums is enough to make everyone's head turn.
Well, mostly the blokes. Supporting Bloc Party at London's top drug filled nightclubs they showed off one of their best performances to date. With provocative songs such as the promiscuous Ice Cream (“come on and dip your dipper”), Tight Fit and the catchy Jerk Me (“I want what your giving out…suck me in and spit me out”) they had the crowed instantly hooked and glow sticks were (literally) flying from the grimy Fabric walls. And so on a girlie note, its great to see the band is dominated by some enthralling women; in fact, 3 girls to 2 boys. And the main attraction is that they have a great female drummer. Seeing them is fun; hearing them is even better.