The GIITTV reviews database 2003-2011
All the historic reviews from the God Is in The TV webzine.
Ida Maria, Birdpen
Paul Cook 24/11/2008
Ida Maria, Norway's answer to punk and indie and everything else erring on the side of 'alternative' provided a fantastic hour of music to the chilled Waterfront crowd. Ida Maria is not as different as the hype has made out, she still writes poppy, simplistic lyrics and accompanies them with a solid base of guitar chords. Aside from the husky voice belting out tunes like "Stella" and"Better When You're Naked" Ida Maria actually strikes you as being very naturally talented. Clearly having had a few drinks on the night she still managed to captivate the crowd with a powerful and memorable rendition of catchy, heartfelt tracks.
Ida's look is endearing and embodies everything that a temptress of the stage should have. Checkered indie-chick shirt, glow-in-the-dark neckerchief and a hairstyle which actually commands us not to gaze upon her but instead to enjoy and connect with her music, something which quickly happens once she unleashes her raw, emotive voice. Recorded Ida Maria has a very similar-sound but live her songs come alive and feel unique even if you've heard them a thousand times before.