
The Black Ghosts - I Want Nothing

Sel Bulut 08/05/2008

Rating: 3/5

It's probably a good job that Simian split up. Although they had a neat few tunes, their mixtapes were far superior to their albums, and it's saying a lot that their best song was when Justice remixed them. So dance music seemed to be in their veins, as from the ashes of Simian spawned two electronic acts - Simian Mobile Disco, whose album 'Attack Decay Sustain Release' was one of the more welcome releases of 2007, and The Black Ghosts, who have been releasing a string of low-key singles and EPs for a while now.

Hearing Simon Lord's infectious vocals on a dance track outside of We Are Your Friends and his small part on Simian Mobile Disco's album is refreshing in a world of electro dominated nowadays by uninspiring MCs or similarly uninspiring robot-voices. An explosive opening beats are soon layered by demonic synths, with the track eventually building up to a majestic if slightly underwhelming release.

Some great remixes by the ever excellent Sinden and Vincent Markowski overshadow the other remixes that come with this package and add an extra layer of enjoyment to I Want Nothing. A solid effort that will be more enjoyable in clubs than at home, The Black Ghosts are certainly invigorating in the majority of soundalike electro around right now, but they still have a while before they catch up to Simian Mobile Disco's monolithic presence.

out now - released 24th April