
Frightened Rabbit - I Feel Better

Ross Cunningham 25/09/2008

Rating: 4/5

Selkirk's finest Frightened Rabbit release “I Feel Better” the third single to be lifted from their brilliant sophomore album “The Midnight Organ Fight” on the 22nd of September. Opening with keys and a battering drum beat and joined by guitar and of course Scott's distinctive vocal that drips with raw emotion, “I Feel Better” is the consummate moving on song filled with a sense of urgency and driving intent.

Scott wrote the song about returning from a trip to New York where he tried to salvage a relationship, and as you can probably guess from the lyrics it didn't quite work out how he had intended. Basically “I Feel Better” is saying I'm done with all your shite and even though it might be hard I'm going to try and sort my own life out and stop thinking about you every second of the day. Both lyrically and musically it looks back to the band's first album with references to “store away my greys” and the same melody in the chorus as the song “Snake” (which details going on the trip to New York). The work with Peter Katis really shines through in the drumming and the added brass that appear on the track bringing a much more polished and rounded sound than in some of their previous work.

It must be cathartic to write a song like this as Scott brings total closure on the relationship with the final line “this is the last song I write about you”. The strength of this single and more importantly the passion and energy that bursts out in their live shows will hopefully ensure that Frightened Rabbit don't remain Scotland's best kept secret for much longer.