
Bloc Party - One More Chance

Laura Prior 29/07/2009

Rating: 3.5/5

Bloc Party's bizarre determination to give the world a pitch-perfect, 21st Century version of 'What is Love' by Haddaway continues with 'One More Chance'. After the inconsistent, experimental 'Intimacy', this stand-alone single, plus last year's 'Talons', ultimately prove to be more satisfying and focussed attempts to dye proper-dance into the wool of what was always a big part of Bloc Party's musical blueprint.

Those familar with BP's usual lyrics, and who also read Mr. Okereke's limited edition sex advice column in the Guardian will know how rampant he is. Without getting all Mel-From-Flight-of-the-Conchords on everyone's ass, this song involves Kele and his Party of fellow tasty, indie sluts trying to win back a partner of unspecified gender, by insisting he'll come around and lay the pipe more often, if only he gets "one more chance". "These hands will come around/you'll love the touch again"! Phoahhh! I hope he tapped that shit again; it's a persuasive tune.

An inexplicably apt, cheesy house piano-line (circa 1993) gives way to waves of synths, punishing drums and other squeaky noises that will sound amazing at foam parties from here to Eurodiscos all over the continent. "Eurodiscos". LOL. Nerds and dance just shouldn't mix. Why do you do this to us, Bloc Party?

Release date: 10/08/2009