Mild Peril


Full EP with artwork (zip format)

The backs of my eyes    
Photograph the past
Copenhagen inspires    
Die Brücke

Press for 'Mild Peril'

"It’s been a few years since I first heard Sailplanes and in that period they’ve moved on immeasurably. The things that were good initially remain on this five track EP, such as their ability to create a taut, frantic song in under three minutes using just the most stripped back of instruments."
Drowned In Sound [more here]

"a stylish and interesting piece of work...peppered with striking imagery"

Never Enough Notes [more here]

"The Sailplanes are still a little rough around the edges, and all the better for it"
Another Form of Relief [more here]

"a nice surprise... this is really intriguing"

Collective Zine [more here]

"this is one of those bands that KNOWS... "Mild Peril" belongs with the best, and the band needs to be approached with that kind of expectation"

Music Emissions [more here]