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Musima Elektra and Elgita 28th January 2008

The beautiful redburst Musima Elgita has just arrived. Cost something silly like £60. Has functioning wangbar, same pickups as the Musima Eterna, Migmas and half the million-or-so odd brands of East German semi acoustics made in the sixties and seventies, and a four-way rotary selector. Not plugged it in yet ;-)

musima elektra and musima elgita ddr gdr east germany

musima elektra and musima elgita ddr gdr east germany

musima elektra and musima elgita ddr gdr east germany

These I found slightly amusing and disturbing. The urban myth about some guy plugging his 'electric' guitar into the mains might not have been a laughing matter for eastern-blockers with no idea what to do with their first electric guitar.

musima elektra and musima elgita ddr gdr east germany

musima elektra and musima elgita ddr gdr east germany


Images - Doing something with this, not sure yet.