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None of thems 20th April 2008

So, despite the graphical Air Berlin Fokker 100 indicator up there reading 2 of thems, I'm actually flying no more, never a-fucking-gain. At least for a month or two anyway. I've 58 flights on my topbonus card, but there were a few uncredited when I was too tired or forgetful to flash my silver plastic. The really great news now is that the travelling is all over. Rather than wait another week, my wish to never be shut-up inside a tin tube and supplied with crappy air and lacklustre sandwiches combined with a return at a low-level of the panic attacks I suffered from 5 years ago bubbled over on Friday and I suggested we return to London there and then. Having loaded the car, cancelled a sailing from Esbjerg and made another reservation at Calais and cleaned the flat in 4 hours, we set-off at 7pm with a bag of haribos and a couple litres of coke to keep us awake. We stopped to swap-over somewhere in the Ruhr about 11 and munch some rough burgers to get rid of the unhealthy sugar rush, and swapped again at 2-3am in Belgium, finally reaching Calais at 5, a couple of hours late! All credit to P&O for honouring our original reservation and not even charging a surplus for the 7am sailing. We were back in London, unloaded and frying sausages by 10:30 local time.

Ebay listings:
Musima Elekta for sale, UK
Fender Custom Shop 1960 Relic Strat


Images - Doing something with this, not sure yet.